BU Graduate Workers Union

Why unionize?

“I’m organizing with my colleagues because grad workers are struggling to make ends meet.”
A BU graduate student worker wearing a zippered jacket.
Matt Tracy
“I support a union to protect workers from arbitrary changes to our workloads.”
A BU graduate student worker wearing an orange shirt.
Zara Albright
Political Science
“I’m fighting for a union because grad workers need living wage stipends.”
A BU graduate student worker with a patterned shirt and glasses.
Quan Nguyen
Mechanical Engineering

When we ask for dental insurance or increased wages individually, the university ignores us. When we all demand better working conditions together, we disrupt the status quo, and the university cannot ignore us. By forming a union, we are able to use our collective power to negotiate for dental insurance, a living wage, and so much more.

We can only win a strong contract if we work together: other unions have shown again and again that high membership participation during contract bargaining is key to winning what we’re fighting for.